ニューホットマサラ NEW HOT MASALA - Soka- Saitama


住所: 〒340-0001 埼玉県 草加市 柿木町 241- 1
Address: 241-1 Kakinoki-cho, Soka-shi, Saitama, 340-0001

 Contact Information:

Name ニューホットマサラ NEW HOT MASALA
Address Prefecture: Saitama
City: Soka-Shi
Contact Tel/Mob: 048-971-7161
Web Site: http://newhotmasala.jimdo.com
Business Time Opening Hours:

★ランチタイム(Lunch Time)
★ディナータイム(Dinner Time)
         Last Order:22:00)

Close Day: No
Reservation Required?: For party
Available Payment VISA, MASTER, AMEX, JCB, PayPay, Apple Pay, Google Pay
Delivery Service UBER
Access (Nearest Station) ニューホットマサラはJR武蔵野線越谷レイクタウン駅から徒歩32分、草加公園近くのハラールパキスタン・インド料理店です。
Additional Note

 Menu & Facility:

Car Parking 13
Cuisine Halal Food Pakistan India Curry House
Menu Lunch:
Web Site:
Best Among Best



Others Pray Room: No
Ablution Place: No
Library: No
**The above information is collected through an online survey. Please contact us if there is an update or wrong information.

We love to hear from you and may Allah accept all of our prayers and grant JANNAH!

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