Kasumi Mushalla - Hiroshima-shi - Hiroshima


住所: 〒734-0037 広島県広島市南区霞2-7-23 武井ビル301号室
Address: 2-7-23 Kasumi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima-ken Japan 734-0037

 Contact Information:




Web Site: https://prayinhiroshima.wordpress.com

Contact Person => 
Access (Nearest station)


From JR Hiroshima Station:

  1. From South Exit, take Hiroden bus no. 5 or 5-1 (green) from platform 4 bound for Daigakubyōin/大学病院, fare 230 JPY per person.
  2. Get off at the final stop in Daigakubyōin/大学病院 which would bring you to the front of Hiroshima University Hospital.
  3. Hiroshima University Hospital Bus Stop of Kasumi Campus, you will need to circumference outside the campus area to reach the location near the south gate of the campus. Please refer to the map at the top of this page.
  4. Please refrain yourself to enter the unauthorized campus area to reach the south gate.


Bank Acc ( **Please contact them before donating.)  Bank Name: 
Account Name: 
Account No: 
Account Type: 
Branch Name: 
Establish On/ Organization
Pray Times Salat al-Jumuah (Friday Prayer):  12:00 ~ 13:00


Car Parking No
Woman Pray Room
Ablution Place
Kids Education:
Women Education:
Converting Muslim Education:

New Muslim Certificate:
Marriage Certificate:
Burial Certificate:

**The above information is collected through an online survey. Please contact us if there is an update or wrong information.

We love to hear from you and may Allah accept all of our prayers and grant JANNAH!

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